Wednesday, October 06, 2010


right. where to start?

a lot of things happened in two years.

i've managed to get the transfer and posting that i wanted. i was happy. that is until the end of last year.

a few major things happened towards the end of last year. i was in a bit of a limbo. my new colleagues were in limbo too. personally everybody was in chaos. mine included.

the avalanche of events was a bother, but solutions eventually reared their heads. like it or not options were not given. it was do or die.

but there were good things too! it's not all bad. but when good things comes after bad things you tend to rethink things. you ponder more.

what happened at the end of 2009? well, the retaining wall that erm, retained the hill at the back of the school collapsed. how and why did it happened? a lot of contributing factors. one: the quality of the wall was not that great to begin with, it was good...but they didn't think of out side factors. what are the out side factors? that's number two and three. two: it was the monsoon season and the place is the third or fourth place in the country to receive the highest amount or rain. three: a couple of days before that there was a slight earthquake tremor 15km away from the school. malaysia is not an earthquake stricken country in the first place, but if sumatra is hit, the west coast peninsular would sometimes feels the all three factors put together and what would you get? a collapsed wall.

we were told to move out within two weeks, which is ridiculous at that time of the year, and also 35 people looking for houses at the same time with a two weeks deadline?...fill in the blanks for your appropriate answers the end i ended up living dangerously illegally with two other people/families for a month and a half while we found our own houses.

and after we have found and settled in our houses, guess what. they decided that the whole school would be transferred to another new school 280km away, while they have a proper look at the current school. as it was still the monsoon season at the time, the rain was still falling and there was soil movement. and they cannot determined whether it was due to geological land movements or because the rain was moving the soil at the top of the fallen pile.

so, off we go after about a month preparation. that's why all of us had to reset everything.